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Participation of the Pro-Rector of WSB Academy in the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in the USA

Katarzyna Szczepanska-Woszczyna, PhD., Professor of AWSB, participated in the international scientific conference '83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management'.

On 04-08-2023 Katarzyna Szczepanska-Woszczyna, PhD., Professor of AWSB, participated in the international scientific conference '83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management'. This is the world's most important event dedicated to scientific engagement in management and organizational research.

The purpose of the trip was to establish international project and research cooperation with outstanding scientists from all over the world, members of the prestigious Academy of Management.

The trip was funded by the project "Perfect - Regional Excellence Initiative at WSB Academy", implemented within the framework of the Regional Excellence Initiative program of the Ministry of Education and Science for 2019-2023.