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WPROST 2023 Eagle for the Rector of WSB University

Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, Rector of the WSB University, was awarded the prestigious Eagles 2023 award of the WPROST weekly, in the 'Science' category. The presentation took place during a gala ceremony at the Cavatina Hall Concert Hall in Bielsko-Biała.

The Wprost Eagles awards are given in recognition of outstanding activity in the field of entrepreneurship, local government activity and promotion of the region.

- It is a great honour and pleasure for me to receive this award. Innovation, entrepreneurship - key words repeated by the laureates and the Minister - are the most important in building a university. I sincerely thank you for this award, which I will pass on, as a joint achievement, to the employees of WSB University - said Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, Rector of WSB University, receiving the award.

The ceremonial gala in Bielsko-Biała was opened by Grzegorz Puda, Minister of Funds and Regional Policy.

- I am pleased to welcome you to such an important event. Our ministry has taken this gala under its patronage because of the idea behind it. We want Poland to continue to be in the top league when it comes to the development of the country, and this can only happen through innovation. Innovation and entrepreneurship have always been the driving force of the economy, they improve the quality and safety of life," he said, opening the ceremony.

The statuette is proof of Mrs Rector's exceptional commitment, who for years has been supporting the development of the region, the voivodship and the country, combining the implementation of all levels of academic education with active participation in the economic life of Poland.

The "Wprost" Eagle is a prestigious award granted in cooperation with the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy to companies, institutions, local governments and people who make a special contribution to the development of the economy and science of the region and the country, to those who take care of the Republic of Poland on a daily basis, not only by performing great deeds, but also in their everyday activities creating the shape of today's Poland.

Congratulations to the Rector and all the other laureates!