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WSB University in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings

WSB University was among 15 Polish universities included in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Results and Awards 2023.

This is an annual international ranking of universities' sustainability achievements. The results were announced at the Abu Dhabi University International Conference on Advancing Sustainable Futures (ICASF 2023) and UI GreenMetric World University Rankings held in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. WSB University was represented by Prof. Katarzyna Szczepanska-Woszczyna, Vice-Rector for Science and Education. Our University was included in this ranking, among other things, thanks to the introduction of measures in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The UI GreenMetric World University Ranking evaluates the university's commitment to environmental issues such as infrastructure, climate protection, transportation, water and electricity consumption, and waste management. The diversity of educational offerings and research activities related to environmental protection in the broadest sense is also an important criterion. The goal of the ranking is to provide a complete picture of how universities are responding to the challenges of sustainable development and to assess the effectiveness of their policies, activities and communications in this area.