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XI National Uniformed Classes Tournament is behind us!

On 12-14 April, the National Uniformed Services Classes Tournament took place at the Mitrega Reservoir in Łazy. The event was organised by the Centre for Uniformed Services Research and Education at the WSB University.

The aim was to select the best team representing a secondary school that implements Education for Security and prepares candidates for work in the uniformed services. This was the 11th edition, and 120 participants representing uniformed profile classes from schools all over Poland took part.

The mission of the Tournament was to continue the long-standing tradition of maintaining students' rivalry in intellectual and psycho-physical competitions. The tournament was aimed, among other things, at creating an image of a candidate for the uniformed services combining physical fitness, decisiveness in action and professionalism in preparation for serving the homeland and intervening in case of an emergency or crisis situation. One of the unique events accompanying the event was a meeting of participants with veterans of war missions from Iraq and Afghanistan.

For three days, participants competed against each other in various competitions, demonstrating strength, determination and not only physical but also intellectual prowess.

Competitions included overcoming an obstacle course, assembling and disassembling weapons, shooting at a target, finding as many buried materials as possible, detecting and naming prepared targets (vehicle type and country of origin, e.g. Leopard A2 - Germany) or running over a lagoon.

One of the most interesting competitions was the tactical course, which included an off-road run, dragging a tyre, overcoming a 2.5-metre high wall, transporting a wounded person or solving a psychological mosaic and a memory test. The teams also had to compete in first aid. There was also an aquatic competition in which they had to fish as many objects as possible from the bottom of the pool or complete a water obstacle course.

As you can see, the participants had to be very well prepared both physically and intellectually to face and compete in this type of activity for three full days. That is why we congratulate the Winners all the more, but also all the other participants - we are sure that the very fact of taking on this daunting challenge is an inner victory for each of you, regardless of the final result!

The official winner of the tournament was the representation of the Władysław Szybiński School Complex in Cieszyn. Second place was taken by the Second General Secondary School in the General and Secondary School Complex in Knurów, and third place went to the General and Technical School Complex from Czeladź.

During the ceremonial Gala, which took place on 14 April and was the solemn culmination of the 3-day event, the winning teams were presented with prizes, medals and certificates. The prizes included "Golden Indices" for free first-level studies, as well as "Silver" and "Bronze" ones entitling to free studies for one year and one semester respectively.

The Gala was attended by, among others: prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz - Rector of the WSB University, Mr Jarosław Wieczorek - Governor of Silesia, Ms Beata Małecka-Libera - Senator of the Republic of Poland, Ms Edyta Szymańska - President of the Board, CEO of "Bumar Łabędy" (strategic partner of the tournament), Ms Barbara Kozioł - Member of the Management Board of the District Starosty in Zawiercie, Ms Bożena Borowiec - Deputy Mayor of the City of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Ms Justyna Miszczyk - Deputy Mayor of the City of Zawiercie, Ms Ilona Pelon - Secretary of the Łazy Municipality, Mr Dariusz Tabas - Chairman of the Łazy Town Council, prof. Marcin Lis - Prorector for Students and Community Relations at WSB University, Prof. Marek Walancik - Director of the Uniform Services Research and Education Centre at WSB University.

The Strategic Partner of the Tournament was Zakłady Mechaniczne "BUMAR-ŁABĘDY" S.A. - Polish Armaments Group.

Honorary patronage of the event was assumed by:

Mr Jacek Siewiera - Head of the National Security Office

Mr Jarosław Wieczorek - Governor of Silesia

Mr. Jakub Chełstowski - Marshall of the Silesian Voivodship

Mr Kazimierz Karolczak - Chairman of the Board of the Upper Silesian - Zagłębie Metropolis

Mr. Gabriel Dors - Starost of the Zawiercie Poviat

Mr Marcin Bazylak - President of the City of Dąbrowa Górnicza

Mr Łukasz Konarski - President of the City of Zawiercie

Mr Maciej Kaczyński - Mayor of Łazy Town and Municipality