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Fostering Sustainable Business Practices: Empowering University Students for SDG - Aligned Impact

BIP Overview

The Blended Programme explores the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability. Defines and applies basic principles of sustainability to address today’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. It develops an understanding of how individual behavior of companies affect the community and global health. We approach sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective by integrating faculty from across the curriculum, including public health, applied sciences, sociology, and economics.

Topic's Covered:

  • Greenwashing: a threat to sustainable development
  • Green Project Management
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Student Engagement Projects based on SD Goals
  • Study visit to a Sustainable Enterprise

Course leaders & lecturers

Joanna Łudzień - BIP Coordinator
Paweł Urgacz - WSBU
Małgorzata Małecka-Tomala - WSBU
Kamila Ciszewska 
Ewa Palarczyk - GPM EMEA
Professor, Ph.D. Habil. George Horia Ionescu - Romanian-American University
dr hab. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, prof. AWSB (Assoc. prof.) - WSBU
dr inż. Krystian Mączka - WSBU


When and How:

10.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
On-line part: 10.06.2024 and 18.06.2024 - Zoom
On-sight part: 24.06.04 - 28.06.2024 - Poland, Dąbrowa Górnicza
Mode of Delivery: Blended
Language of Instruction: English
Academic recognition: To be defined by each higher education institution.

General Cost

Scholarship available - To be managed by the sending institution. Possibility of Erasmus+ funding.
Accommodation cost: ~180 EUR per person per 6 nights in a student dorm in Katowice.
Breakfasts and lunches included in the program sponsored and provided by WSB University.

Registration for the programme:


Where will we meet on the campus of the WSB University?

24.06 -  Audytorium D, teamwork: 2:00 - 5:00 PM room 122 and 123
25.06 and 26.06 - Audytorium D and room 228
27.06 - room 417
28.06 - room 414, teamwork: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM room 405 IT and 417 IT



June 17, 2024 (Monday)

9:30 AM Welcome and introduction to WSB - Information about the university and its implemented SDG solutions by Paweł Urgacz
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Professor, Ph.D. Habil. George Horia Ionescu: Presentation on  "The Economy of Sustainable Development"
11:10 AM - 11:30 AM Rano Egemberdieva: Presentation on "Advancing Sustainable Development - ESG Practices in Kyrgyzstan’s Financial Sector
11:30 AM Ice Breaking session hosted by Zuzia Kozłowska
Country Report – group task

June 18, 2024 (Tuesday)

10:00 - 11:00 AM Team Building
11:00 AM - Prof. Aleksy Kwilinski - Presentation on "Transformation of the Existence Paradigm: Navigating Through Sustainability, Digitalization, and Beyond"
11:30 AM Country Report Presentation
Group Division - each group will create a poster and a song representing their team


June 24, 2024 (Monday)
Audytorium D

09:00-09:30 AM Welcome note by Rafał Rębilas, PhD, Vice Dean for International Cooperation in WSB University
10:30-11:00 AM Group Presentations
11:00 AM-1:00 PM Małgorzata Małecka - Design Thinking
1:00-2:00 PM Lunch (provided by WSB University)
2:00-3:30 PM Assoc. Prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz - "Building Relationships Toward Sustainable Project Management"
3:30-5:00 PM Team Work

June 25, 2024 (Tuesday)
room 228

09:00-10:30 AM Ewa Palarczyk - Green Management
12:00-2 PM Study visit to the Capgemini for BIP Participants
Lunch (provided by WSB University)
Silesian Trip to Guido

June 26, 2024 (Wednesday)
room 228

09:00-10:30 AM J. Woźnikowski from GZM Company - lecture "Drones in the metropolis"
11:30 AM-3:00 PM Study visit to the Marshal's Office in Katowice
4:00-5:00 PM Lunch (provided by WSB University)
5:00-6:30 PM Team Work

June 27, 2024 (Thursday)

09:00 AM-1:00 PM Krystian Mączka, Eng, PhD - "Sustainable use of digital technologies" workshop in 417 room
1:00-2:00 PM Lunch (provided by WSB University)
2:30-3:30 PM Team Work
5:00 PM Grill at Sztauwajery (Sztauwajery are 3 lakes in Katowice city - popular spot for recreation among locals)

June 28, 2024 (Friday)

10:00 AM Team Work in 414 room
12:00 PM Lunch (provided by WSB University)
13:00 PM Presentation of the results
... and Fabryka Pełna Życia as the last stop for our BIP