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Awareness Days



What exactly are awareness days?
Awareness days, weeks, or months are specific times for specific activities such as a celebration, awareness booster, memorials and others.

What are the benefits of awareness days?
Because certain days, weeks, and months can be incredibly significant for specific communities to commemorate things for them, everyone must regard them as a time of learning, acknowledgment, and celebration.

Prompting a Change 
While some may regard awareness days as mere rhetoric, they are critical for making the time and place to engage in public debates and start a conversation. They are frequently the initial step in bringing about social change. While cultural change seldom occurs overnight, bringing attention to an issue might help transform the culture itself, something, which WSBU is actively aiming for. 



Seeing as WSBU has students and professors of various backgrounds, the Awareness Days are a significant part of the years' event calendar. 
The SDG goal number 11 Sustainable cities and communities - which is one of the goals implemented in the Sustainable Development Strategy of WSB University - is a key facilitator of the numerous events happening on campus. Events which range between such topics as Modern Slavery, Human Rights, World Religion Days, International Women's Day, Cultural Diversity day and many other topics which are so important in today's communities. 

We warmly invite all guests to attend such Day's on Campus!