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International summer university

Type of program: Summer Program
Duration: from 7 up to 10 day long
Language of instruction: English
Degree awarded: Certificate, ECTS
Admission fee (non-refundable): no admission fee

Program overview

This program is a chance for ambitious students to study subjects of interest to them, in greater detail while also enjoying the cultural experience. For some students, this involves following one of our filedspecialized programmes, allowing them to go beyond just the academic side and taking a closer look at what life in their chosen field would be like. ECTS and certificate of attendance will be awarded upon successful completion of the program.

Program curriculum

Students can choose from one the vaious professional programs focused on: International Management, Soft Skills in Education, Contemporary Railway Transport, Hybrid and Cyber Warfare and others. Each of these programs includes lectures conducted by professionals. Study visits, working on practical cases, cultural program including exploration of Poland (1 trip to Cracow, 1 trip to explore Silesia region). Optional excursions to Zakopane (35 EUR per person) or Wieliczka Salt Mine (35 EUR per person) can be joined on Saturday or Sunday for
an additional fee.

Qualification criteria

Students who have already started their bachelors, masters degree or are currently seeking to gain admission to study business, social sciences or technical studies are eligible for this programme. Students must have a good command of English in order to be able to follow lectures in a comfortable way.