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Academic Career Office

The Academic Career Office carries out tasks related to supporting students in their professional career development. Our activities are addressed both to students who are just taking their first steps on the labor market, and to people with professional experience.


The Academic Career Office implements:

  • ADVISORY ACTIVITIES – within individual consultations with a career advisor, students gain the opportunity to plan their career path and search for a job, develop application documents and properly prepare for contact with the employer.
  • TRAINING ACTIVITIES – throughout the academic year, students take part in classes on active functioning on the labor market and strengthening their social competences. As part of additional training courses carried out during various types of events, such as the World Entrepreneurship Week or the Job and Student Internship Fairs, students have the opportunity to participate in trainings conducted by employers or representatives of non-governmental organizations. This gives the opportunity to acquire not only knowledge, but also practical skills.
  • INFORMATION ACTIVITIES – career advisors provide information on the possibilities of finding student internships or job on the local labor market. Students receive tips both about the employers’ requirements and about active methods of job search.


The Academic Career Office is organizer of:

  • Job and Student Internship Fairs, which are held annually, giving students the opportunity of direct contact with employers operating on the local labor market. During Fairs, students can also take part in trainings and job interviews conducted by employers.
  • Study visits, during which employers familiarize students with the specificity of working in particular positions not only through the presentation of the company, but also through trainings and workshops.
  • Job interviews are an opportunity to have an interview with an employer in a safe university space, it is an opportunity to check your CV, test yourself in a stressful situation and get feedback on your qualifications.


The activities of career advisors are focused on developing the ability to plan and implement a lifelong career path, shaping both social competences and entrepreneurial attitudes.